Sunday in Nara Park

Sunday was for vist to Nara.  We visited Nara Park in the morning.  We met up with Hiro’s nieces, Chieko-san and Hiromi-san for sushi lunch.  They gave us a gift of donuts … 10 of them!  They were so beautiful, as you can see.  They did not last too long.  Hiro even helped.

hiro ryan walk in Nara Parkryan feeding 2

Ryan feeding the deer

ryan feeding 1


Todaiji Temple in Nara Park (with a family who loved posing for photos)ryanhirodeer hiro chieecho and hiromi

Chieko-san, Hiro, and Hiromi-san


the Gift


… and what WAS inside

Sumo and Kyoto

Hi All,  Our days have been full (not much time to post on blog).  We enjoyed 3 wonderful days in Nagasaki with friends in their traditional japanese home.  Ryan, Hiro, and I shared two tatami rooms.  Our hosts, Kayoko-san and Shozo-san took very good care of us: home cooked meals and personal touring of Nagasaki.   On Tuesday, we visited the Atomic bomb hypo-centre and museum (walking distance from where our hosts live in Urakami).  On Wednesday, we visited the restored Dejima (man made island Nagasaki harbour that housed Dutch traders from 1641 until 1853) and the Nagasaki historical museum.

Thursday, we travelled by train to Kyoto (5 hours).  Friday, we attended Sumo match in Osaka.  Saturday is our free day in Kyoto.  Perfect day to explore Kyoto – it is sunny and spring-like.  Included are pictures of sumo and Nijo Palace (Kyoto).

sumo towels sumo souvenirshiro ryan sumo Hiro and Ryan watching sumo ceremony.sumo circle ryan hiro nijo Hiro and Ryan at Nijo Palace.nijo garden


Hello All、No photos today.  We are staying in a traditional japanese home with Hiros good friends in Nagasaki.  We are enjoying good company and good home cooking.  We are using their computer so some text might Look odd - cannot figure out the keyboard.  THIS morning (sunny and Warm)、WE walked to Atomic bomb memorial park and the Nagaski A Bomb museum.  It was very moving and It was good that we shared the experience with people who live with these memories every day.

We leave Nagasaki on March 11 - then on to Kyoto.


Hiro in Kagoshima

I am counting the days before Ryan and I go to Japan.  Three more work days … I like that!       I set up a blog so Ryan and I can share some travel words and photos.  I hope you enjoy.

The main photo was taken by Hiro’s host/friend Ohtsuka-san.   Hiro is standing in front of a misty view of Sakurajima – an active volcanic island in Kagoshima Bay.  (Hiro has been in  Kagoshima since early January)